を取るために a を捨てる, a を捨てて b を取るの英語
名を捨てて実を取る: 1. choose real achievement rather than empty reputation 2. go for substance instead of form 3. swallow one's pride for practicality 4. would rather be down-to-earth than care about name
虚を捨てて実を取る: 虚を捨てて実を取る きょをすててじつをとる to discard the shadow for the substance
捨てて…を取る: discard ~ for〔~を〕
長を取り短を捨てる: take what is good and leave what is bad
愛する(人)と結婚するために王位を捨てる: abdicate to marry someone one loves
虚のために実を捨てる: sacrifice substance for shadow
身を捨てて: 1. at the sacrifice of life 2. with one's life
世を捨てる: 1. abandon the world 2. abjure man's society 3. forsake the world 4. renounce the world 5. retire from the world 6. shut oneself off from the rest of the world
命を捨てる: 1. lay down one's life 2. throw one's life away
妻を捨てる: 1. desert one's wife 2. discard one's wife 3. run out on one's wife
己を捨てる: 己を捨てる おのれをすてる to rise above oneself
水を捨てる: pour off the water
汁を捨てる: 【他動】 drain
職を捨てる: 【形】 job-ditching
船を捨てる: 1. abandon a ship〔 【略】 ABDNSHP〕 2. give up the ship